This website was prepared as a background for gay travelers visiting Thailand. We’ve tried to make the site useful for visitors contemplating travel or a holiday in one of our favorite lands.
Why Thailand? Many reasons. First, Thailand is gay-friendly — or, more accurately, the Thai’s tend not to label and separate based on gay-straight categories. Sexuality is considered a natural and enjoyable part of life, under the prevailing Buddhist philosophy, and while certain customs of public behavior should be respected by any visitor, most Thais believe it’s none of their business what you do in your bedroom.
Thailand is also an exciting country for travel. From the mountains of the north, to the beaches of the south, an enormous variety of landscapes, adventures, and natural beauty await the visitor.
Finally, Thailand is rich in both history and natural beauty. Exquisite Buddhist temples adorn both city and countryside. In our two-week trip, we’ll enjoy lakes and beaches, mountain vistas and forest trails.